Thursday, June 14, 2012

Worst Dream Ever....

From an email excerpt:  

Physical Setting - Nazi Germany
Temporal Setting - Modern Day

"I was with my sister trying to get out of Germany, but we were captured. They sorted us - those to be exterminated and those to do the exterminating, 'officers' saved to do their bidding. They needed me to work with matrices, so I was saved... My sister, not so much. I wanted to escape, tell someone where I was. I convinced a senior officer to let me write to my family, accounting for my sudden disappearance and telling them not to worry. I wasn't sure they'd send it, but I'd find a way. So I pull out my laptop, and the keys are in dvorak - jumbled or something. Pull out my phone - same story. Not that there was internet/reception, anyway. So I find some bark paper and begin etching a message into it. Suddenly I am moderately illiterate (as you often are in dreams), but I never have been before so I figure the horrid spelling is a good indicator something is wrong. I try putting subtle hints - things that aren't true that the Nazi's might not detect... like my favorite color is blue (spelled bLD, for some reason...)  but then I realize my parents won't even bat an eye at that. So I address it to my great Aunt, misspelling her name so she'll know. Then, out of the blue, my parents arrive. My dad goes upstairs to talk about business management philosophy or something with the Nazis, and my mother is with me, upset that I'm not in ABQ spending time with her. "Mom, there's something I have to tell you.... please don't freak out. This is a concentration camp" And she doesn't believe me. "No it's not - Is this the first time you've been in a concentration camp?" Because apparently I don't know what I'm talking about since I've never seen one before and the piles of shoes aren't a dead giveaway. Not to mention the Nazis everywhere. But whatever. So I reassure her and send her on her way. Suddenly I remember that my great aunt is gone, somehow...or maybe in there with me.... So I'm like- wait, I know EXACTLY who can get me out of here (and help me solve matrices!) Joe & Steven! So I start re-addressing the letter... And I think you guys were going to break me out...

Then I woke up."

Had I been born a generation earlier, that could've happened. Really could've happened. It's unsettling. NY != concentration camp -> not sure why I had this dream NOW. Weird. 


In cheerier news : Today's Eatsy Menu!!!
Home By the Range Eatsy Menu

The Jersey Cow - 100% grass-fed, grass-finished braised chuck roast with Milton Creamery Prairie Breeze white cheddar. (Gluten-free)
The Garden State - Roasted Portobello Mushroom, Fresh Ricotta Cheese, and Caramelized Onions (vegetarian and gluten-free, vegan options available)

Fresh Ciabatta rolls from Sullivan Street Bakery (vegetarian)
Organic Mixed Greens salad with Organic Purple Mizuna, and Organic Spring Onions (vegan, gluten-free)
Pasta Salad with Fresh Fava Beans fresh herbs, lemon, and shaved pecorino fresco (vegetarian, gluten-free and vegan options available)

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