demand for quality/variety
desire to learn Python
+ need for useful project
coolProject CreateProject (Dive Into Python, Python the Hard Way, Time)
First, some investigation...
What are Python's strengths?
According to this:
Python code looks like executable pseudo code.
Can be used as an integration/extension language
Has strong (web) presence
Python is interpreted and interactive
Doxygen-like "Sphinx" allows code to generate documentation
Supports high level datatypes (lists, tuples, dictionaries)
This page has a 'nice & concise' overview:
Weakness = slower than C/C++/Java
Nimble language, meaning the "compiler and vm are the same program,"
Load, Translate, Execute (no compiling, which allows optimization)
And Now for Foolish Young Optimism
Looking through basic examples, I don't feel like I need ( or can stomach ) the hand-holding, baby-step, tutorialize-me-to-death approach. Can't I just write something? Why not!
A little more research into Python's core libraries and standard algorithms:
Built In Functions (That I Didn't Automatically Assume ) Part I:
- all( iterable ) - Are all the elements true? AND
- any( iterable ) - ^ OR
- callable( object ) - classes are callable (returning instances), class instances are callable if __call__() method is defined (Where/how/why would you use this??)
- classmethod( function ) - returns the classmethod called function... see below for further investigation of classmethods and decorators etc.
- cmp( x, y ) - compare two values a and b (answer is int of sign x-y )
- complex( r, i ) - create complex number
- dir( [opt arg] ) - no args=> list variables in current scope; arg=>list valid attrib of arg
David and Tom tried explaining this to me yesterday. Decorators are functions that return other functions, often "wrapping" them.
Stack Overflow to the rescue -- HUGE answer halfway down the page (only read half, but I understand decorators now):
You see, decorators are wrappers which means that they let you execute code before and after the function they decorate without the need to modify the function itself.
A decorator takes a function as a parameter, basically writes/defines the code to be run (before, yourFunction, after) and returns that as a new 'decorated' function. As for the syntax....
[define bow, giftwrap, box functions.... example:
def box(func):
def wrapper():
print "*bow on top goes here*"
return wrapper()
def present(gift=defaultSocks)
print gift
If you call present(), you get a pair of defaultSocks, in a box, wrapped, with a bow on top. TaDa!
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