Friday, June 15, 2012


Today's Guest Speaker: Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP. 
Topic: Code of consequence, something we all strive for. 

It's inspiring to see someone's endeavors toward making that a reality. He talked about projects that he believes are important, one of which was Etsy. I had never thought of Etsy in terms of "consequence," but he discussed the potential to reform - or at least boost - the economies of heavily craft-based societies. He also mentioned the Sahana Software Foundation and their system of organizing disaster relief efforts. Now that is code of undeniable consequence - even something as simple as a 'Person Locator' database. He talked about his experience "diving into" writing PHP. Like many of us, his background was not specifically in computer science, but that did not matter (also inspiring to hear - qualifications shmalifications). He spoke of his travels and his struggles and triumphs... yes, I'm being vague, but the main point - the point that every anecdote came back to - was code of consequence. 

One day, I will write code of consequence. 

Maybe in 10 years. 

Maybe tomorrow. 

After breakfast. ;)

Speaking of food.......

This is how you know you're at Hacker School. :D

And speaking of birthdays, today was supposedly the 25th birthday of the animated gif!

Happy Birthday, Animated Gif!

Sushi Pizza = <3 
(Screen credit to B. Ramsey's hand)

P.S. This ^ is what I do when my roommate keeps me awake, blasting his I-Love-Jesus music into the wee hours. That's great, buddy.... Can we love Jesus at 3 in the afternoon instead of 3 in the morning??? >.< Ah well. I hadn't played with gimp/photoshop in a while. Good refresher. 

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