Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tengo Calor!

This is what happens when Sarah can't sleep at two in the morning because it is too darn hotA little voice in my head kept saying "You know you can just buy a fan, right..." 

We call this voice the Voice of Reason. 

We usually ignore the Voice of Reason.

Additionally, 'We' are now royally exhausted. Happy Friday!

Edit: Happy Saturday! Just got back from a night out with Kristi, Linda, and Branka. First a place called Toad House (Blue Point Lager), then 'The Jane' (Vodka + Soda). Also some random bar having a 'soft opening,' but the owners ever so distastefully rejected our business. Overall, a splendid night. Beautiful company, open and on the same page... and they didn't care one bit. This is how life should be. 

Adieu ;)

P.S. I bought a fan. 

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