Monday, July 2, 2012

Tango in Union Square

I merrily made my way to the Big Apple Tango Fest Farewell Milonga... and found this.

WTF. I've had nothing but trouble finding tango around here.
I walked to Union Square...

....saw cool clocks along the way....

...and thankfully found a milonga. Recorded music, unfortunately, but who's judging ;) </spoiled-tanguera-missing-Q-Tango>

I snuck in and took a seat. A gentleman named Peter, also new to Sunday milongas, asked me to dance first. He was concave. It felt like he was running away from me at times, but enjoyable. 

Then Charlie, flashy, quick, hands shifting as though he were 'steering' or.... something... probably looked impressive. Passionate and energetic! But so much energy to follow. 

Then, Alex the Ukrainian. Wonderful embrace! The safe warm kind that melts into a hug at the end. (Bill....? Biiilllll.... ) For the second song, he became a stronger, more powerful lead. Totally different feel. The third dance was a learning experience. He worked with me on some on volcadas - I have trust issues with those. Hopefully, I'll run into him again on the dance floor. He suggested the outdoor milongas - Sunday and Wednesday. Really great!

Not a huge crowd. According to Alex, only four live tango bands in NYC. He's been on the scene since the 80s. I'd expect a bigger scene, but who knows. Maybe the festival people were off having their own party. As it were, Svet would have been queen there ;) I felt kind of princess-like, myself. I don't know if this is the normal crowd, though. I only got three tandas in before it ended at 10pm. 

Then, I wandered. 

Bought spoon ring from a local artisan. Old PanAm spoon. Yep.... 

Union Square is dreamy that time of night after a milonga, coconut juice in hand. 

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